
Metro Business Briefing - RENOVATION AT TIFFANY'S - NYTimes.com

*** love Necklaces,,, Opinion » Editorial Notebook: Attica

A Room for Debate forum on whether Detroit can sustain its two-tier pay.

Opinion » Op-Ed: How to Stop the Drop in Scores

Forty years after the deadly riot at Attica, the memories of that frenzied morning are still troubling.

A decline in reading and writing scores on the SAT demonstrates that current reform strategies are not enough.

,,,,, *** love rings,Tiffany & Co 1837, Opinion » Autoworkers’ Haves and Have-Nots

Tiffany & Company announced Monday that it would renovate its flagship Fifth Avenue store, converting an entire floor from administrative to retail space and increasing the store's total sales area by 25 percent. Construction will take place over the next three years with no anticipated disruption of service, the company said. In order to make room for more jewelry and home furnishings, Tiffany's executive offices have been relocated to 600 Madison Avenue, where the company now occupies eight floors for merchandising, marketing and administration. ''Our New York flagship store is the most tangible symbol of Tiffany & Company worldwide,'' said Michael J. Kowalski, the company's president and chief executive officer. The Tiffany building opened its doors in 1940 and was immortalized in the Audrey Hepburn movie ''Breakfast at Tiffany's.'' Sales there exceeded $185 million in the 1999 fiscal year, or about 13 percent of the company's worldwide net sales.

